Issues That Could Cause Problems With Your Dental Implant

Although dental implants have a nearly perfect rate of success, there are instances in which the implanted device fails. If you have recently received an implant and are having trouble with it, you may not understand what could be going wrong. Here are a few correctable issues that could be causing problems with your dental implant.


A dental implant is more likely to fail if the device has been positioned in the mouth of a smoker. As a person smokes, irritants from the tobacco inflame the gingival tissues that surround the implant. This inflammation can impair the tissues' ability to heal around the device.

Also, the soft tissues require oxygen to facilitate healing. In a smoker's body, the amount of oxygen in the blood is frequently reduced. 

Nevertheless, the irritants and oxygenation problems associated with smoking can be eliminated if the smoking habit is stopped. If you are a smoker and are having trouble kicking the habit, speak to your dentist about your concerns. They may be able to prescribe medications to help you overcome a tobacco addiction more easily.

Failing to Cleanse Your Mouth Thoroughly

After receiving a dental implant, you may feel that it is not necessary to cleanse your mouth thoroughly. After all, a dental implant cannot decay. However, the problems associated with failing to clean your mouth properly are not directly related to the implant. Instead, the issues may occur in the gums and jawbone.

Gum disease begins as the inflammation of the gingival tissues. The inflammation is frequently caused by the gums' exposure to oral acids that are released by the bacteria that are found in dental plaque. By keeping the mouth clean, the number of bacteria decline, and the gums remain healthier.

People who suffer from severe forms of gum disease are more likely to incur implant failure. Not only do the gums have a more difficult time healing around the implant, but a gum infection from periodontal disease can spread to the jawbone, impairing the bone's ability to heal around the device. 

In order for a dental implant to stabilize in the mouth, osseointegration must occur. Osseointegration is the integration of the bone cells with the dental implant after the implant's placement.

To keep your mouth clean and promote good gum health, you need to brush and floss regularly. Your dentist may also recommend the use of an antimicrobial mouthwash.

To learn more ways to protect your dental implant from failure, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area.
