Has your dentist told you that there are signs that you grind your teeth, or do you have a suspicion that you do it without knowing? If so, you'll likely have some questions about this common dental problem that affects you.
Why Is Teeth Grinding Bad?
When you grind your teeth at night, you put an excessive amount of pressure on your teeth. The additional tension will eventually lead to jaw pain and headaches over time as you continue to do it. Grinding your teeth will also cause the enamel on your teeth to gradually wear away. This is a big problem because your enamel will never grow back after it goes away.
Why Do You Grind Your Teeth?
Teeth grinding is a sleep disorder that people cannot control. It's not something that you consciously do if it happens at night, but some people do it during the day as well. It is often associated with people that have other sleep disorders, like sleep apnea and snoring. It's possible that the teeth grinding has been brought on by having a lot of stress and anxiety that comes out at night while you sleep.
How Can You Tell That You Grind Your Teeth?
While a dentist can look for signs of teeth grinding, you may be between appointments and wondering if you can identify this problem. Pay attention to whether you wake up in the morning with jaw pain as a result of the grinding. You may also have worn-down enamel, which has resulted in tooth sensitivity. Some people have the insides of their teeth damaged from the clenching or headaches from all that added tension. It's also possible that you are grinding your teeth without knowing it, and don't recognize the symptoms because they have not reached a breaking point yet.
What Are The Long-Term Effects Of You Grinding Your Teeth?
There are a few complications that can happen if you ignore teeth grinding. The obvious problem is cracked or damaged teeth that could need repair, such as a root canal. You'll also suffer from TMJ pain that causes discomfort every day with clicking or popping.
How Do You Prevent Teeth Grinding?
You can take steps to prevent teeth grinding by addressing the stress and anxiety that you experience every day. Beyond that, your dentist may recommend a nightguard to wear at night so that your teeth are protected. The custom-made nightguard that your dentist makes is going to be much more comfortable than any over-the-counter solution.