Recontouring Basics: Don't Let Uneven Teeth Hinder Your Smile

If your teeth are oddly shaped, uneven or have rough surfaces, your dentist may suggest a recontouring procedure. This procedure reshapes your teeth by removing enamel from your teeth in very small amounts. As the enamel is removed, it adjusts the shape, length or surface finish of your tooth. It can help you achieve a more balanced, even smile. It's typically considered a cosmetic treatment, and can be done quickly in a cosmetic dentistry office. Here's a look at what you should know about the best candidates for recontouring and how the procedure works. 

Are You a Good Candidate?

If you're looking to address small imperfections on your teeth, such as minor chips, pits in the enamel or an uneven tooth, this is a great option for you. It's also often used to adjust the length of your canine teeth if they are longer than the rest of your teeth. In some cases, recontouring is recommended to eliminate crevices or small overlaps in your teeth, because these spaces can harbor tartar and plaque, which can be damaging to your teeth.

If you're trying to address large chips in your teeth, deep ridges or fractures, recontouring isn't going to get the job done. In those cases, your dentist may suggest bonding or veneers instead to smooth out your teeth and balance your smile.

What Does the Process Entail?

First Stage: Exam

The very first step in the process is a thorough exam by a cosmetic dentist. He or she will ensure that you're a good candidate for the procedure. To do so, you'll probably have x-rays completed so that the dentist can look at the size and location of the pulp inside your teeth. That's the part of your tooth where the blood vessels and nerves are.

It's important that there' enough enamel around the outside of the teeth that the dentist can do the procedure without exposing it. If your enamel is too thin or your teeth have pulp that's close to the surface, you may need to explore other options. Once the dentist knows how much enamel can be altered on each tooth, he or she can proceed.

Second Stage: Recontouring

During the procedure, the dentist will use a small sanding disc or something similar to gently remove the enamel from the problem teeth in small amounts. If he or she needs to get between your teeth, that part of the treatment may require fine sandpaper strips. Finally, once your teeth have been shaped, the final step is to polish your teeth.  

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to smooth out your teeth and gain confidence in your smile, this is a great way to do just that. Talk to a cosmetic dentist (such as one from MyoTech Dental & Implant Center) today about your options. 
