Three Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Manage Your Sleep Apnea

If you've been dealing with the disruptive symptoms of sleep apnea, which can include snoring and having a restless sleep, there's no need to suffer any longer. You can often find relief by visiting a dentist who specializes in sleep apnea appliances. At your appointment, you'll get fitted for your appliance -- typically, a customized mouth guard -- that you can begin wearing overnight to prevent blockages to your airways. During your initial appointment for your fitting and any subsequent appointments, your dentist will often recommend a series of lifestyle changes that you can use to further reduce your sleep apnea. If you've booked your initial dentist appointment but are in a hurry to try these changes, here are three to adopt.

Skip The Evening Drink

If you've found yourself enjoying a glass of wine or another type of alcoholic beverage in the hours before bed, there's a good chance that it's contributing to your sleep apnea symptoms. Alcoholic drinks relax your muscles, which can allow the muscles in your throat to be relaxed to the point that they block your airways. If you avoid alcohol before bed, you'll have less chance of suffering from these symptoms overnight. Remember, too, that alcohol before bed can harm your ability to enjoy a deep sleep.

Change Your Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your back might feel comfortable, but this position can lead to blocked airways. You're better off making the change to sleeping on your side. While in this position, there's a greater likelihood that your airways will stay open, which will allow you to sleep comfortably. For best results, use a pillow in between your knees to reduce the likelihood that you'll roll over onto your stomach, which could impede your ability to breathe clearly. When you get your sleep apnea appliance, you'll already be in the good habit of sleeping on your side, and you'll be able to expect a notable increase in your sleep quality.

Try Some Yoga

Yoga is often associated with a long list of health benefits, but this activity can help you manage your sleep apnea. The focus on breathing in yoga can help to strengthen the muscles along your airways, which reduces the risk of them impeding your flow of air. Positions such as the cat-cow, seated forward bed and seated twist are beneficial to perform, but it's important to always enlist the help of a certified yoga teacher, especially if you're inexperienced with this type of activity.

For more information about sleep apnea, contact Quality Dental Care L.L.C. or a similar organization.
